Old Projects

I decided to archive several pages of things that I've had in my header for years. Mainly because they're old, and I am unlikely to ever revisit these projects. I still want to keep them around though, so I figured I'd make one page here for a bunch of my old writing projects, so anyone curious about them would have a place to find them, if they looked.

This first one is my Real Story series. I really enjoyed writing these twisted fairy tales, so if inspiration ever strikes, I MAY do another one. But it's now been several years since I wrote anything for this series, so I think it's time to take it out of my header.

The REAL Story

The next one is my Twist Ending series. If I ever revisit an archived project, this one is the most likely. For several years I took out my frustrations with awful customers by either killing them off, or having them suffer some sort of karmic justice, in some kind of fantastical, strange way. And I still work for a grocery store, so it's highly likely that I'll have more terrible customers. It will all depend on whether or not I am furious enough to fictionally murder them or not.

A Twist Ending

One of the very first recurring series I did was my Facebook Friends series. I basically parodied the everyday stereotypes I would see on Facebook. It was a lot of fun for awhile, and then I started having issues with my graphics host, and then the stereotypes started becoming uncomfortably real as various family members started seriously embodying some of my characters, so it kind of stopped being fun. But I did have fun writing these back in the day, so I want to make sure it's still archived for anyone curious.

Facebook Friends

And then at one point I had put together a page full of bonus fiction things I had written. I suppose this one is versatile enough that I could conceivably add to it in the future, but I probably won't so it's time to archive it.

Bonus Posts

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