Today’s post will be all the remaining random pictures that didn’t fit into any of the specifically themed post I did before. These were taken all over the zoo, not from any one exhibit.
I’ll begin with one of my favorite animals, other than the Giraffe and Okapi.
This is probably another animal that you most likely don’t know anything about. It’s called a bongo. Just like the drum. Though, I would not recommend rhythmically pounding on this bongo, or he’d probably respond by rhythmically pounding on you.
The bongo is a type of antelope. It is notable in the fact the both male and female bongos have horns. I love their coats. Usually a bright reddish orange, though with age it becomes more and more brown.
Doesn’t this salad look delicious?
In the same building as the butterfly conservatory there is another room with spiders. I do not recommend visiting this exhibit if you are the least bit arachnophobia. Like the butterflies in the butterfly pavilion, the spiders are loose, and their webs are all over the place.
These little squirrels are all over the zoo, and if you are careful they’ll let you get pretty close to them.
I don’t know what this plant is, but I thought it was really cool.
I’m not usually a huge pig fan, but I do like Red River Hogs. They are very unique compared to other pigs, with their bright red hair.
I think this guy was going to try to sell us some car insurance…
I think this is a type of lemur, but I can’t say for sure what kind right off the top of my head.
I thought these purple starfish were really cool. Usually you only see pink/peach colored starfish, so I really like seeing these.
I really liked this picture. I just wish that kid hadn’t been in my way.
I love the jelly fish. They look so alien and otherworldly.
“I shall call him squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my squishy.”
Fish are cool. Especially fish from coral reefs. They are so colorful.
Stingrays are such a unique fish. I love watching them.
A few years ago no one other than fish fanatics knew what a blue tang was. Today… well, most probably still don’t know. Now every blue tang is Dory.
My favorite fish of all time, the seahorse.
It took me forever before I could get a halfway decent shot of one of these. None of them would stay in one place long enough to get a good picture.
This is one of the little-known relative of the seahorse called a Weedy Sea Dragon.
A gibbon. He looks so relaxed up there. 
This porcupine was huge! I had no idea they could get that big.
Tapirs are another of my favorite animals.
They’re like pig-elephants, but even cuter. Especially when they’re babies. 
I wish I could have gotten a better picture of this monkey. She had a newborn baby attached to her at all times. They were so cute. 
A Cottontop Tamarin. It has an incredibly long tail! My, what a strange creature was in this display!
A golden lion tamarin, or golden marmoset. I want one for a pet. 
This sloth was so cute. 
Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock…
The End.
Sorry. It just had to be said. 
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