The film is called “Brave”, and it is set in ancient Scotland. It is a first for Pixar in many areas. It is the first Pixar film to feature a female character in a lead role, It is Pixar’s first attempt at a “Princess” film, and it is Pixar’s first Fairy Tale. In the last few days, There have been a few glimpses as to the nature of the film
The biggest one was the release of the very first poster for the film.

This makes me want to see it so bad! :D
Today they released the very first official image from the film, A picture of the heroine, Princess Merida.
They have also released concept art for four of the main characters.

Princess Merida

Queen Elinor

Lord Macintosh

The Wise Woman
If you ask me, the wise woman looks like she could be related to Carl Fredrickson from Up. Maybe a very distant Ancestor? :)
The very first teaser trailer for the film is set to debut tomorrow with the release of Cars 2. As if I needed another reason to go see Cars 2! :D I won’t be able to see it on opening day, but I hope to be able to see it within the week, and you can bet I will be blogging about the film as soon as I see it! I will also let you know my thoughts about the Brave teaser, and the new Pixar short film, and the first in a series of Toy Story Toons, “Toy Story: Hawaiian Vacation”. It looks great as well! :)
Celtic, fairy tale, and a princess with a cloud of long, red curls for hair? I want to see it already! :D