Friday, February 9, 2018

#TrueFacts (February 2018)

Did you know that Mt. Rushmore is a hibernating 4 headed giant? His resemblance to 4 past presidents is purely coincidental. #TrueFact

Did you know that some hillbilly tribes worship a celestial banjo deity? This giant banjo in the sky is called The Banjehovah. #TrueFact

Did you know that Skittles were named after the sound they made when someone spilled them all over the floor? Yeah, it's true. Someone spilled them. Someone named Todd. Way to go, TODD#TrueFact

Did you know that the Milquetoast Monkey is also known as the Wimpanzee? It's a total wuss. #TrueFact

Did you know that pigeons do not lay eggs? They naturally spawn from the dumpsters behind McDonalds. #TrueFact

Did you know that aardvarks like to use oversized drinking straws to suck ants out of the ground? #TrueFact
(What? That's their nose? Oh gross! No!)

Did you know that in most of the southern United States it is illegal to marry your hand with a face drawn on it? #TrueFact

Did you know that a giant, transdimentional, galaxy-devouring duckling is heading towards our Milky Way? It did just eat a Snickers though, so we’re probably safe. #TrueFact

Did you know that the US government once sent a spy to infiltrate the Canadian Parliament? The imposter was to introduce legislation that would rename Canada, "America's Hat." The Members of Parliament were much too smart for him, and they put him to work in the maple leaf mines as punishment. #TrueFact

Did you know that our seventh planet was named by a very immature 12 year old? His parents are very disappointed in him. #TrueFact

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