Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Measurer of Marigolds

Today mom wanted to make freezer jam, but she had to work at the Republican booth at the fair, so I got the rhubarb ready while she was gone. While I was picking the rhubarb I found an inchworm! It was a perfect time for more practice with my macro lens.

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Today’s post title is dedicated to my cousin, Shaina. :)


  1. Awww, how sweet of you, cuz'n!

    What a cute little inchworm! He can be my friend, too.:) Only I'm sure you don't know where he is right now...but at least I'm willing.:)

  2. Well, I set him free in Mom's basil planter, so if he likes basil, he may have decided to move in for good. :p He probably moved on though.
