Sunday, July 10, 2011


Apparently the window well outside my bedroom window attracts Frogs. I kept hearing something outside my window at night, hitting it. That was rather creepy. I finally heard it during the day and saw this.

July 001July 002July 003

It was huge, and apparently it couldn’t get out. There was a big piece of wood that it could have jumped onto and then jumped out, but I guess frogs aren’t smart enough to figure that out. I was going to have Joel climb down and rescue it, but it disappeared. I thought maybe it had finally escaped, but I heard it at night again. It must have been hiding in all the weeds. The next day I got a couple more pictures.

July 005July 006

I was going to tell Joel, but I forgot that day, and I didn’t hear it that night. It turned out it had died. :( We wept bitterly. Not really. :p

Then a couple nights later I saw something on the window.

July 007

I don’t think this one will have any trouble escaping. :)

I wonder what else will find its way down there?


  1. I love the pictures where it's practically nothing but the little frogs eyes. Truly sorry to read that he died.:(

    Many of these little frogs have been enjoying our kitchen windows. Both bugs and frogs gather at the light. The bugs gather for the light, and the frogs gather for the bugs.:) Mmmm, froggy banquet. They're so fun to watch.

    You witnessed that recently, didn't you? :)

  2. Yes. I saw one clinging to the window by the sink. :)
