Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Chicago: Day 2 - Cantigne

Finally! Another Chicago post! School takes up way too much of my time... Someone just needs to pay me to be a blogger already. :p


On our second day in Illinois we were still in Wheaton. We spent the day with family again. Church in the morning, and then grocery shopping, and a trip to an animal sanctuary.

I wanted a good picture of this snake, but it wouldn't hold still, so this was the best I got.

All of the animals here were animals that had been rescued from various unfortunate circumstances in the wild.

The owls were my favorite. :)

This poor fox only had three legs.

After the animal sanctuary, we went back home and joined Uncle Bill. He had a photography job at an estate called Cantigne. (Pronounced Can-Tee-Nee) It's a huge place with gardens, a museum, gardens, war memorials, gardens, a golf course, and more gardens. While Uncle Bill went off to take pictures, Aunt Linda, Shaina, Sasha, and I explored the gardens.

So, apparently we always do this.

We all were taking pictures of everything.

I loved this thing. I wish it was real!

Tiny ornamental peppers. I wonder what they taste like...

These glass bottles were buried to create a border for some of the plants in one of the gardens. I called them the North American Burrowing Bottles. :p

When uncle Bill had finished his job, he came back and started taking more pictures just for fun with the rest of us.

I called this woman a pot-head. I know. I'm so clever.

A giant tic-tac-toe game.

Dinotopia(ry) It's a nerd-joke. Don't worry if you don't get it.

That night we got together with Chris and Becky, and Ethan convinced Shaina to play hide-and-seek with him. He was looking for her for AGES, and he never found her. She had gotten down and crawled under one of the cars. She said he ran right by her so many times. It was the funniest thing that happened all day. :)

And that was our second day. If you liked the pictures of the garden, and would like to see more, I made a separate post on my photo-blog, which you can find by clicking HERE.

No promises as to when day three will be up, but hopefully soon. Day three was The Field Museum! :D

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