I don’t have much to say about this video, except that it is amazing. I love all birds, but especially hummingbirds, so I had to share it. :) Enjoy!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Deer In the Headlights
Owl City’s latest music video came out today, and I have to say that it is my favorite so far! I love that there are jellyfish flying around him. :D There may be a couple of octopus too, but they went by so fast I couldn’t tell for sure. Plus a T Rex!? Bonus awesome points! :D And for anyone who might know who she is, the girl in the convenience store is Lights, another singer who uses electronic music.
In case you are wondering about the guy at the end, that was himself, from his previous music video for Alligator Sky.
And just because I feel like it, I’m going to add his four other music videos. :)
First is the song that launched him to fame, Fireflies.
And then there’s the music video for his song “To the Sky” that he wrote for “Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole”. I love that movie so much! I really need to watch it again. This might be my favorite Owl City song of all. I’m not sure, I have so many favorites. Regardless, this song is the most played Owl City song on my iPod.
Next is Vanilla Twilight. I love the cinematography in this one, and the lighthouse is really beautiful.
Last but not least is Umbrella Beach.
This one has more of a dance feel to it than the others, but it loses none of Adam’s signature cheerfulness. That’s what draws me to his music. It has such an optimistic feeling to it. It never fails to cheer me up when I hear it. :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Cars 2 and a “Brave” Debut
Last night I went to see Cars 2. I can say for certain that it was 10 times better than the first one, and I really liked the first one. The movie focused mainly on Mater and two new characters, Finn McMissile, and Holly Shiftwell. Mater is caught up in an espionage plot that eventually threatens the life of his best friend Lightning McQueen. It was like a James Bond film if James Bond were a car. All the other characters from the first film were there as well, but Mater was the star.
It was hilarious and exciting. I highly recommend this movie, and if my cousin is able to go with me, I will be seeing it a second time. I almost never see a movie twice in the theater, so you know it was good. :)
Also, now that it has debuted in theaters, the teaser trailer for Pixar’s next film, “Brave” is now out. It is very short, but it looks like it will be a beautiful movie. It appears that it will be Pixar’s most mature film to date. Pixar has always made mature films, they just do them in such a way that the entire family will be engaged. What I mean by most mature, is that it appears that this will be more of a drama than a comedy, as Pixar’s other films were more comedy than drama. Either way, I can’t wait! It looks amazing!
As an aside, the new short, Toy Story: Hawaiian Vacation was a laugh riot! All the Characters from Toy Story 3 were back. The plot focus was on Ken and Barbie, who wanted to go to Hawaii with Bonnie. When they are left behind, the other Toys do their best to bring Hawaii to them. Make sure that if you go to see Cars 2, you get there early enough to See the Brave Trailer, and Toy Story: Hawaiian Vacation!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wow! 2 in one day? Yes, because I found an absolute riot of a video! This one I didn’t even wait to blog about, I shared it to Facebook immediately.
Kid History
UPDATE! How coincidental is this? The very day I blog about this series, they upload the latest episode! This one is the longest one of all, and like the others, is a laugh riot! :D
A Sugar Cereal High
At the time it had not even occurred to me, but the cereal that I had been eating was Cinnamon Toast Crunch, which is a General Mills product. Why is that significant you ask? Oh, no reason. Only the fact that the graphic design company that General Mills uses for their package designs is Ultra Creative, my cousin Kyle’s company. Yes, they designed it. So in a way, I unintentionally implied that the people at my cousin’s company are on drugs. Good thing he has a sense of humor… :D Here is his reply from facebook.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A “Brave” New World

The film is called “Brave”, and it is set in ancient Scotland. It is a first for Pixar in many areas. It is the first Pixar film to feature a female character in a lead role, It is Pixar’s first attempt at a “Princess” film, and it is Pixar’s first Fairy Tale. In the last few days, There have been a few glimpses as to the nature of the film
The biggest one was the release of the very first poster for the film.

They have also released concept art for four of the main characters.

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Cars 2

As any serious Pixar fan will recall, Cars was Pixar’s least liked film. It didn’t get many bad reviews, but it received lukewarm reviews compared to Pixar’s other films. That’s why this quote makes me extremely happy. :)
Speaking of Cars 2, Justin Chang, a writer for Variety said:
"Unexpectedly delightful... The rare sequel that not only improves on but retroactively justifies its predecessor."
Here is a trailer for the film. It looks so amazing and hilarious!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Close Encounter with an EnvironMENTAList
Toward the end of sacking her order I had already used up her reusable shopping bags and was starting to fill the paper one. The checker took the bread and put it in a plastic sack. Most of us do that, so that the bread won’t be crushed by any shifting groceries. The woman snipped that she shouldn’t have done that, as she wanted her own bags to be used. The cashier apologized and explained she didn’t want the bread getting squished. The woman looked down her nose at her and in an extremely annoyed and condescending tone, said, “Well, I’ll let it slide this once, but I do NOT like plastic. It is bad for the world!” and she marched off.
As soon as she was gone I burst out laughing. What a loon! This woman’s attitude is even more absurd when one considers that half of what she bought was already packaged in plastic, and she put each of her kinds of produce in little plastic sacks of their own.
Excuse me. I think I need to go stifle another guffaw.
Breakfast Personality
According to the ultra-scientific personality test I just took, from the back of a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, my personality type is "Sweety". Had I chosen my favorite pet to be a circus elephant instead of a parrot, my personality rank would have increased to the level of "Gobbler".
In light of these results I have come to the conclusion that mandatory drug testing should be enforced for anyone aspiring to design cereal boxes for a living.
A Kung-Fu Review
I went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 with my cousin and brother tonight. As with the first one, the animation was stunning. Story-wise, it can't hold a candle to anything Pixar has come out with, but this is one of the most beautifully designed and animated films I have ever seen. At times it could only be described as gorgeous. If you feel you're too old to see animated films, (First of all, you need to get over the tired notion that animation is only for children) but if you truly feel awkward seeing it without kids, find someone with a kid and ask to borrow them for a couple hours. You, and the kid, (And the kid's parents) will all be extremely glad you did so.
One of the things I loved about it was the villain. All great movies need a great villain, and this one had one, in the form of one of the most unlikely animals you would ever think of. A white peacock. Watching him fight was amazing.
Seriously, so cool!
If you liked the first movie, you are sure to like this one, and even though the story isn’t up to Pixar’s standards, it still had a great one. Easy criers will want a tissue or two with them for scenes with Poe and his dad, and maybe another for when Poe finds out the truth about his real parents. :)
The artist in me gives this film a wholehearted recommendation, and the kid in me wants to see it again. I can’t think of two better judges for a movie’s quality, an artist and a kid. If those two agree, it has to be worth seeing. :)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sea Lion Show
This month I actually got to see the sea lions perform during their afternoon show at the zoo. I took tons of pictures, and I plan to feature some of the best ones on my photography blog, but the majority of them I will share here so you can see what all the trainers have the sea lions do.
Apparently the trainer’s building is underground.
I believe that those are whistles, not cigarettes. :)
This trainer was doing a little dance and the sea lion was following her steps with her flippers.
All the sea lions were born right here at the Henry Doorly Zoo except for the male. He was a wild sea lion who was injured and was deemed unreleasable as the keepers feared he wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild due to his injuries.
One of the major renovations planned for the zoo is to build a much better display for the sea lions. This pool is actually a relic from the 1950’s, and used to be a swimming pool for people. It was buried and uncovered years later, then modified to be a sea lion exhibit. I can’t wait to see what the new display will look like!