Saturday, April 30, 2011
Baby Dedication and Cookout
Friday, April 29, 2011
A Royal Wedding
I suppose I’m in the minority here, and if I was a big blogger I’m sure my comments would be spammed with angry comments from royalty worshippers everywhere.
“OMZ! Yor so horabal! There is so much romantic and shes a princess now!”
“You are so dum and you have no romance! Get a girlfrend yo looser!”
“Shes so pretty and hes so hansome why cant you be happy for them you moron!”
“Weddings are beautiful especially royal weddings, and celebrities are so much more important than you! Your comments mean nothing and no one agrees with you or likes you why don’t you just shut up!”
“%$#& YOU LOSER!”
And other such enriching, well thought out, eloquent replies such as these.
Yes, marriage is wonderful. I have absolutely nothing against the Prince and his new bride. I wish them all the best and I hope they have a great life together. I just don’t think that it is worthy of this level of publicity. Especially in America! Why are Americans so ga-ga over British royalty? My fear for this new couple is that their marriage will end in divorce, like so many other high profile marriages.
But enough of that. I started this as a humorous post because of a picture I saw today. And so help me, this is going to stay a funny post!
When I first saw the following picture as a thumbnail image, I thought to myself, “Good grief. Another picture from another swooning journalist, capturing a googly eyed smooch from the the royal couple.” Something prompted me to click it for the enlarged version anyway. I suppose this is similar to that urge that prompts one to stare at car wrecks on the interstate. I am so glad I did. It was so much more than a picture of a puckering prince and princess. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who is sick of all this wedding stuff!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wisdom From The Pioneer Woman
"I’m a laid back parent and homeschooler, so I don’t spend much time sweating things. Well, except text messaging; when we got our older daughter a cell phone, I told her I’d turn off the phone if she used text language (UR, tho, etc.) in her messages, not just with me, but also with her friends."
If only more parents were like her, perhaps the English language wouldn't be collapsing, one poorly written facebook status at a time! Go Literacy! :D
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
First of all, think about who is taking your picture. Is it a family member or friend? Why do they want to take your picture? Could it possibly be that they love, care about, or at the very least, sort of like you enough that they want to remember this time with you?
Unless you are a celebrity and the photographer is a paparazzi trying to make some money off your face, you should be flattered that someone thinks enough of you that they want to have a picture of you.
You are loved! That should make anyone smile and proud to have their picture taken!
P.S. This mini-rant is not directed at any single person. (There are lots of people I know like this) So if you feel like I’m talking to you, remember, I love you! Or at least, I sort of like you.
Easter Sunday
On Easter we had dinner at the Home of Morry and Dottie, with whom we attend a home church. Our cousin Sarah, our grandmother, and our uncle Dan were there as well. Jared called from Afghanistan before the service so we had the phone on speakerphone so that everyone could talk to him.
Dad holding the phone so that everyone could hear.
James, Jacob, and Joel.
Morry, Dottie, and Uncle Dan
Apparently James ate too much and passed out on the floor after dinner.
Although he won’t admit it, I think Jacob secretly enjoys having his picture taken. Watch him mug for the camera here.
James, on the other hand, does not enjoy having his picture taken. Apparently feet are the best way to ensure that your face does not show up on camera. They do not, however, prevent the picture from being taken.
James is best photographed candidly. Pictures always turn out much better looking that way anyway.
In the afternoon, we all talked in the living room while “The Grown-Ups” stayed in the dining room and talked about politics.
We had a lot more fun than the grown-ups.