Monday, December 31, 2018

Rotoscopers Roundup 8

It's time for my biannual Rotoscopers update! Here is everything I worked on from July to December of 2018!

Infinity Train - Trailer Announcement

Steven Universe: The Movie - Announcement

Ant-Man and the Wasp - MCU Countdown #20

Adventure Time - Finale Air Date & DVD Announcement

Star Wars Rebels - Season 4 Blu-ray Review

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies - Soundtrack Review

Muppet Babies - DVD Review

Alex Hirsch - Gravity Falls Creator Signs with Netflix

My Little Pony - Original 1986 Film - Blu-ray Announcement

Adventure Time - DVD Review

Incredibles 2 - Blu-ray/DVD Announcement

Hilda - Trailer Announcement

Indie-Mation Club Review - Chirin's Bell

Solo: A Star Wars Story - Blu-ray Review

Hotel Transylvania 3 - Blu-ray Review

Hey Arnold! The Ultimate Collection - DVD Review

My Little Pony: The Movie - 35th Anniversary Edition - Blu-ray/DVD Review

Batman: The Animated Series - Blu-ray Review

Rocko's Modern Life: The Complete Series - DVD Review

Sunday, November 25, 2018

#TrueFacts (November 2018)

Did you know that the human body is like 50% beans? Crazy, right? #TrueFact

Did you know that despite popular platitudes, pigs can’t actually fly? To claim otherwise is just pure pignorance. #TrueFact

Did you know that the clomp is the only species of clump that can clamp? #TrueFact
Get away from me! What are you doing? No I don't want to wear your stupid coat! No! Stop! What are you doing with that needl...

Did you know that in ancient European cultures, wedgies were an honor reserved for the heroes of great battles? Flying Wedgies were given to those who showed exceptional bravery, and Atomic Wedgies were reserved as the highest honor a soldier could receive. As the pulling up of the pants was seen as an honor, the opposite was a disgrace, and enemies would be pantsed on the battlefield. Things were even worse for prisoners of war, who would be pantsed during public victory ceremonies, while being forced to wear the most embarrassing underwear they could find at Walmart. The ancients were true barbarians. #TrueFact

Did you know that doves were not always a symbol of peace? In ye olden times, they were heralds of death and destruction. Because doves are carnivorous. #TrueFact

Did you know that for the first few years of its life, the painted bratfish is the whiniest fish in the world? Well, at least until it ages out of the toddler phase. Unless it's mother was actually a striped spoilerfish, because then there's really no hope for it. #TrueFact

Did you know that there is a species of crustacean that has no shell? It's called a Globster. #TrueFact

Did you know that beef does not actually come from cows? It comes from unicorns. The FDA spends billions keeping this information a secret. #TrueFact

Did you know that if you leave McDonalds food inside a hot car for three weeks, it will develop into a sentient life-form? #TrueFact

Did you know that the Burmese Mountain Chicken has one of hardest eggs in the animal kingdom? We know this because of their unusual nesting habits. Thousands of the birds fly to the top of a mountain together and lay their eggs at the top of a cliff. The torrent of eggs rolls down the hill bouncing all the way. The eggs that survive are deemed worthy of life, and, surprisingly, most actually make it! The mother chickens then sit on the eggs at the bottom of the mountain until they hatch. This amazing occurrence is known as an ovule-anche. #TrueFact

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Was That Thing Called Again?

I've been cleaning up my apartment tonight, getting ready to go home for the holidays, and I came across some papers full of stuff I'd written like over a year ago. One of these was so funny I stopped what I was doing and sat down to make this post.

I had been on Reddit one day and there was a trending topic where people were asked to share the funniest thing that they'd heard someone say when they couldn't remember what something was called. I thought it was hilarious, and had written down all my favorites, and had been planning to make a blog post on this ages ago. But then apparently I lost the paper. So today I am finally making this post.

To begin with, I'll just share a bunch of the most basic ones, so you can get a feel for what these are. I don't know if you've ever just inexplicably forgotten the name of something, but apparently this happens to some people with the most mundane things, and they completely forget what a "Tie" is, so they call it a "Neck Belt" instead.

Robe - Towel Jacket
Dustpan - Broom Shovel
Ceiling - Inside Roof
Wire - Metal String
Lab Coat - Science Vest
Sparks - Fire Crumbs
Ashes - Fire Dust
Salad Dressing - Salad Sauce
Toothpaste - Tooth Soap
Skunk - Stinky Cat
Bleachers - Baseball Stairs
Wood - Tree Chunk
Plates - Flat Bowls
Crown - Queen Hat
Hose - Water Rope
Towel - Shower Blanket
Gate - Fence Door
Ambulance - Hospital Van
Measuring Cup - Ruler Spoon
Lime - Green Lemon

There are several different tiers of the other items in this list, the first is the ones that I personally think that people were just writing to be creative. They read a few of these, got the gist of how people's brains had temporarily malfunctioned, and decided to capitalize on that and get some Reddit Karma, which for those not familiar with Reddit, is basically internet currency for Reddit users. So for these, I don't think any of them are real, but they made me laugh, so... I'm including them anyway. :p

Peacock - Disco Chicken
Prison - Hotel For Burglars
Cupcake - Party Muffin
Clarinet - Toot Flute
Cow - Moo Beast
Air Horn - Spray Scream
Hamburger Helper - Beef Aid
Lactose Intolerant - Milk Racist
Purple Cabbage - Barney Lettuce
Cereal - Breakfast Soup
Preschool - Children Zoo

Next are the ones where more than one person had variations on the same item.

Electric Drill - Screw Gun - Screwdriver Machine
Headlights - Car Flashlights - Truck Eyes
Extension Cord - Power Rope - Electric Hose
Tortilla - Burrito Flap - Taco Pads
Puddle - Rain Hole - Water Pile
Tongs - Sausage Tweezers - Pick Up Scissors
Firefly - Glowy Mosquito - Night Bee
Syrup - Waffle Sauce - Pancake Ranch - Ice Cream Gravy

Another thing that seemed oddly prevalent, was that some people apparently just forget what their body parts are called.

Ankle - Foot Wrist
Big Toe - Leg Thumb
Vertebrae - Spinal Nuggets
Elbows -Arm Knees
Bone - Dog Stick

Then there were the ones that were just bizarre. For these I was thinking, "How does anyone's brain work like this?"

Antennae - Shrimp Antlers
Swastika - Hitler Star
Flight Attendants - Sky Waitresses
Seaweed - Fish Paper
Propane - Grill Juice
Feather - Bird Leaf
Lazy Susan - Dizzy Daisy
Guitar Hero - Carpet Banjo
Compressed Air - Tire Gas
Conditioner - Hair Lotion
Vacuum Sealer - Food Laminator
Water Chestnuts - Ocean Beans
Detergent - Laundry Sauce
Guns & Roses - Death & Flowers
Microscope - Reverse Telescope
Aquarium - Fish Museum

And then these where I was thinking, "How on earth could you forget what that was called? And then why would you think it was called that?"

Eye Drops - Eye Moisturizer
Tape - Plastic Glue
Shovel - Yard Spoon
Kleenex - Nose Paper
Tortoise - Frog In A Shell
Casket - Funeral Basket
Kangaroo - Sack Rat
Condiments - Squirt Meat
Bat - Baby Vampire
Restaurant - Eat Store
Shoehorn - Boot Spoon
Letters - Alphabet Numbers
Moths - Mean Butterflies
Calzone - Bread Omelette
Atom - Science Star
Pitchfork - Farm Trident

Lastly, we'll end with the ones that are my favorites. These are the weirdest ones, or the ones that made me laugh the most, for whatever reason. I just liked these the best, so I saved them for last. :)

Turkey - Christmas Chicken
Reindeer - Christmas Llama
Plastic Bag - Krinkle Sack
Ferris Wheel - British Merry Go Round
Cake Server - Pie Trowel
Seagulls - Beach Ducks
Car Horn - Honk Button
Flyswatter - Bug Spatula
Cauldron - Witch Bucket
Protest - Angry Parade
Bell - Ding Ding Thing
Baby Shower - Pregnant Party
Mechanical Bull - Electric Cow
Funnel Cake - Circus Pie

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Out of Context 5!

Obligatory disclaimer, none of this is supposed to make sense. These are all real quotes that were used in conversations, or that I overheard out in public, that just struck me as funny. They all made sense within the context of the conversation, but I thought they were funnier without.

“You can just cheese your own corn.” 
“You keep that paper towel between you and their iniquity.” 
“See the celestial beams shooting out of the raccoon’s body!” 
“It sounded kind of like a wet punch.” 
“I don’t want this to turn into a regrettable syrup vat.” 
“Oh yeah, I love the squishy bits in the middle.
“Beware the clove!” 
“Cuddle the egg!!!” 
“Ooh, garbage… Smells like industry…” 
“It’s like moving the livestock away from a tornado. You move them or they will be consumed.” 
“I don’t know why you like me so much, but thanks!” 
“We need a puppy. A puppy and yogurt.” 
“Whenever I see fruit flies hovering around fruit, I think of Lord of the Rings.” 
“Forget sophistication, I want dark, nightmarish Muppets.” 
“Why does that turkey have blank eyes?” 
“Your whole body’s a beard!” 
“If I had a piece of felt pie, I would just enjoy looking at the felt pie.” 
“I had to pry some Hershey’s chocolate out of his tiny jaws.” 
“Did you guys save me the sink hole?” 
“I got pickles. Life is good.”

Friday, November 16, 2018

Last Month Online (October 2018)

Yeah, this is late. I've got a lot going on. So much great music this month! Let's kick this off with Peter Hollens, doing a collab that I am kind of shocked hasn't happened before now, with Chester See!

And we'll follow that up with a video from Peter's wife! Evynne is singing one of my favorite Celtic/folk songs, and it is amazing!

I saw this next video on Reddit, and I knew I had to include it here. This is an utterly genius bit of editing work, they took Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up" and set it to Michael Jackson's Thriller video, which features zombies. It was such a brilliant joke I about died laughing at work. 🤣

[118/118] "Thriller" x Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up" from r/SharedBPM

Next we have a video from Pentatonix's upcoming Christmas album, which I considered saving for my eventual holiday post at the end of the year, but as you will see, the song is from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, and the video leans a little more toward Nightmare than Christmas. 😜

And speaking of The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Hound + The Fox covered a song from that movie this month as well!

Not every Halloween-themed video this month was based on this Disney classic though, we also got another song from Pomplamoose and Tessa Violet, mashing up The Monster Mash, with several other thematically appropriate songs. And also some really random choices, like the theme from The Fresh Prince of Bell-Aire? But somehow it all works SO well!

It has been awhile since I've shared a World Order video, but they just released a new video, and it was everything I expect from them. I just love watching them... Dance? Move? Slowly move their bodies completely in sync with each other and the music. 😜

Next we have another amazing video from Jonna Jinton, which is different that any of her videos before! I love this! It's such a great idea for a video!

Thanks to the release of a Queen biopic last month, another trending musical genre beyond the usual October/Halloween, was covers of Queen songs. (Does that count as a genre?) I picked out what I thought were the two most creative examples of the trend, this one from 10 Second Songs:

And this massive musical mashup from Peter Hollens. We'll end with this one, which was probably my favorite song all month. I have replayed it SO many times! It's just so good!


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Amazing Trick-or-Treat Ideas 2018

For some reason, every year, a day or two before Halloween, this year it was 5, I am somehow reminded that this series is a thing. Even though it's one of my favorite things I write on this blog, since it only happens once a year, I end up completely forgetting about it by November first, which means that I end up rediscovering it like a day or two before Halloween the next year and scrambling to write a whole new post in time. So far I haven't missed one since it began, but every year I wonder if this one will be the last before I forget it completely.

If you're new to this series, every year, out of the kindness of my heart, I compile a list of unique treats for you to hand out to the little spooks and goblins who come creepin' round your back stair. Sorry. That was a Homestar reference, which was in itself a reference to something else. Either way, here are ten treats that are sure to make your house THE talk of the town for all the night beggars this Malloween. Sorry that was another Homestar reference. I'll stop now. Maybe.

If you're interested, the previous years' posts can be found at these links:
2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017

Jiklebeanz & Twibblejinx - I don't know what these are, but they sound like something that a kid would love. I'd say find some of those to hand out, and your Halloween is sorted!

A Tweed Jumper - This one is for Britishes only. Americans only have sweaters, and those are no fun at all.

Insomnia - Most children hate going to sleep, so while you might hate the thought of lying awake until all hours of the night, children everywhere envy your commitment to the wonders of awakeness! The hardest part will be removing your own insomnia in order to gift it to the children, but I'm sure there are ways. The internet is like, super-smart about this science stuff. Just look it up.

Aunt Eggetha's Stamp Collection - You know you want to get rid of that thing. The pages are turning a brownish yellow, and the stamps themselves have no monetary value, since Great Aunt Eggetha licked them all to stick into her scrap book. Aunt Bivvia told her to get a proper collection and some archival-quality materials to catalog the stamps, but Aunt Eggetha just liked the pretty pictures and wouldn't listen. Now they're both dead and for some reason they left this junk to you in the will, along with Great Uncle Egger's whistling banjo. You know what? Let's get rid of that thing too. Some weird little kid out there will probably appreciate that creepy thing, whistling along to itself eerily in the middle of the night. Just give that gross book and the unsettling instrument to the next pair of kids who come along begging for candy. Sugar is bad for them anyway.

A Gross Pile of Mud!'®©
Did you forget to buy Halloween candy again? I know I did! (Actually I'm lying, I didn't forget, I just hate hate buying things for strange children.) If you're like me, and you have nothing to hand out to all the greedy little gremlins who won't stop pounding on your door, then you need A Gross Pile of Mud!'®© 
A Gross Pile of Mud!'®© is available wherever fine dirt clods are found. Backyards, quarries, public parks, sometimes they can even be found near local dumpsters! All you have you do to get your own A Gross Pile of Mud!'®© is to dig up a generous mound of dirt with your own two hands, and squirt it with a hose! 
Throughout the many several decades of human history, children have relished playing in A Gross Pile of Mud!'®© so why not continue this hallowed tradition, this next hollowed eve. A Gross Pile of Mud!'®© is all you need for your visitors to have good, clean holiday fun this Halloween. (I'm lying again, they're going to be filthy and their parents will hate you.) 
Eggs - It's called a preemptive strike. I'm sure I don't need to explain this one to you.

Goose Eggs - For when things escalate.

Ostrich Eggs - A very last resort.

Lobster Bisque - This next treat is not for everyone, as it will require a lot of prep and set-up time, not to mention some extensive home renovations. The biggest hurdle will be the installation of the large bisque faucet onto your front porch. After you get that out of the way, really, the only thing you have to do is fill the bisque basin with the best bisque you can buy. Or the cheapest. After all, this bisque is going to be dispensed directly into a plastic pumpkin that is already full of chocolate and religious pamphlets, and once it has taken on those cocoa and gospel flavors, the original quality of the bisque no longer matters as much. Anyway, I know that bisque hardware is kind of expensive, so feel free to skimp where you can for this one. If you prefer, similar results can be had with a five gallon bucket and a ladle, it's just not quite as fun. Either way, the night will definitely be memorable, both for you and the children.

Maple Leaves - Admittedly, this one is only okay in Canada, as Maple leaves, at least as far as I know, are still illegal in most of the United States, and many other countries around the world. Why they were only just legalized in Canada this year I don't know, as Canada has prominently featured this humble foliage on its flag since 1965. Now, when giving these tasty treats out to the childr- Huh? Sorry, excuse me, my editor wants to talk to me, I'll be right back...
Sorry about that, I have just been informed that Maple Leaves are in fact NOT illegal, and never have been, in America, in Canada, or anywhere. I seem to have internalized some misinformation spread via Facebook, about which plant life has or has not recently been legalized in several regions of North America. Please forgive my mistake. I cannot not promise it won't not never happen ever not again.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

#TrueFacts (October 2018)

Did you know that in Canada, children have to recite the Pledge of Eh-Legence every morning before school? #TrueFact

Did you know that deodorant is full of hair seeds? You plant them in your armpits, and water them with your sweat. #TrueFact

Did you know that crabs eat dish towels? That’s why one of the pair always disappears in the wash. #TrueFact
 - What do you mean that’s socks?

Did you know that cuttlefish is a misspelling? It’s cuddlefish. Because it’s just so flippin’ adorbs! I just want to squeeze it! Now! #TrueFact

Did you know that clown babies are born colorless? Clown children are generally bald until at least age 6, and their distinct markings and color patterns only begin to develop around age ten. The only way to distinguish a clown baby from a human baby is the nose. #TrueFact

Did you know that if you put a slice of bologna in a CD player, it will play a previously unreleased Weird Al EP? #TrueFact

Did you know that popcorn is an edible, miniature, time-locked explosion? #TrueFact

Did you know that toads don't cause warts? Wart Fairies do. Toads and Wart Fairies look quite similar, but the fairy has wings. #TrueFact

Did you know that the best, worst flavor of cereal is Beef Krispies? Beef Krispies are served with gravy instead of milk, and children cry at the mere sight of them. #TrueFact

Did you know that aliens use tractor beams to plow their force fields? #TrueFact
- I feel like my brain probably stole that last one from some terrible joke book I borrowed from the library when I was seven, and then randomly resurfaced it one day as I was writing these dumb jokes. If that's the case, I beg forgiveness from the original author. And if that's not the case, then somebody had better pay me, because that joke was so dumb it was brilliant. Seven-year-old me would have been dying of laughter reading that thing.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Back To Normal?

My last two posts have been some of the hardest, saddest posts I've ever had to write, and it seems weird to jump right from those back into the silly posts I normally write. I have two coming up this month, one of which is more ridiculous than normal, and it seemed inappropriate to have two extremely sad posts followed up by two ridiculous posts, with nothing in between, so I guess that's the main reason that I'm writing this post.

Ultimately it doesn't matter, this is my personal blog, for my personal writings, and there is no one overall tone that I am striving for, this blog is all just me. Still, for my own peace of mind, I felt like I should address it before I go back to my normal posts, So I guess this post is sort of a buffer, between the sadness at the beginning of the month, and the ridiculousness that I normally write. I guess in a way it sort of represents my own state of mind in the middle of the month, as I try to bring myself back to a sense of normalcy.

It's not a perfect metaphor, the ridiculousness to come doesn't mean that the sadness is gone, but it is what it is. Anyway, I think I'm done now. Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Grandma's Obituary

I wanted to share my grandma's obituary here on my blog, both as a way to archive it for myself, and as a way to share it with anyone who may not have been able to make it to her funeral. If you missed my previous post about Grandma I will link that for you HERE. I wrote that the day after she died, and it was significantly harder to get through than this one. I actually haven't gone back to read it since then.

Also, while he was home for the funeral, my brother Jared went over to grandma's to take some pictures before everything inevitably changes over there.

Four Generations
Jared, our dad, Jared's son Jackson, & Grandma.
I'm including a couple of his pictures in this post, but if you're interested in seeing them all, I'll link you to his album on Facebook HERE. Not sure what his privacy settings are set to, but hopefully at least family and friends will be able to see them. Those pictures got to me almost as badly as writing my original blog post.

Grandma's obituary was written by my cousin Sarah, who took care of my grandma just about every day in her final years, and got her to share many of her stories from her years back in Canada. Sarah probably got to know my grandma the best of all her grandchildren, and was the perfect choice to write the obituary.

Sarah also shared a bunch of pictures with me, to use in this post, so the obituary will be a more illustrated version than the one in the funeral program.

Also, just to be a completist, before I get to the obituary itself, I wanted to include the inside of the program as well.

Marion North

Marion (Carleton) North was born November 14, 1926, to Clayton Carleton and Lillian (Dawkins) Carleton. She was raised on a farm in the tiny town of Orkney, Saskatchewan, during the Great Depression, living without electricity and hauling water, tending and butchering chickens for the family, shooting prairie dogs for the money by the tail, and attending a little schoolhouse by foot, or horse and cart, with her siblings.

It was at this school that she met her friend, Rose Marie, with whom she would have a friendship spanning over eighty years. Marion loved to ride her horse "Babe" across the prairie to break up the loneliness of living in Orkney, and would ride for miles in order to visit Rose.

Her paternal grandparents homesteaded near their family farm, and Marion would walk down to visit her Grandpa Charles, whom she called her "boyfriend".
They would eat apples and read each others letter's. Marion had pen pals early on, including a couple of young ladies from England. Her dedication to letter writing would shape her life, and others, for decades to come.
When she was 16, her future husband was hired on, as a farm worker during WW2. She kept in touch over thousands of miles between their home towns, writing letters by the light of a coal oil lamp, seeing him only during harvest season, for years.

Then on July 3, 1946, Marion Carleton, and Roy North, were married in Malta, Montana. She traveled, by train, with him to live in Ontario, where she was treated to many luxuries; like running water, and bread delivered to their door. In 1950, they moved to Transcona, Manitoba, and started a mushroom farm.
At this operation she was in charge of payroll and bookkeeping. In 1951 their first child, William, was born, and would be followed by five more children: John, Daniel, David, Andrew, and at last, her beloved daughter, Ruth. In 1971, the family moved to Spencer, Iowa, and then to Harlan, Iowa, in 1976.  

It was as a young married couple that Roy and Marion would profess Christ as their Savior. She would go on to teach Sunday School, do charitable work with other Christian ladies, and happily show much hospitality to preachers, missionaries, friends, and family. She loved to cook and bake for others, embroider, collect china, and cactus.

She was very faithful writing letters and sending cards. She kept written records of birthdays, anniversaries, addresses, and when she sent responses to letters. Through shaky handwriting, and memory struggles, she still made efforts in later years to write and call others, to keep in touch, and be an encouragement.

On October 7, 2018, her gentle spirit was taken from her home into the presence of her Savior, having attained the age of 91 years, 10 months, and 23 days.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Roy, brothers; Stanley (Lois) Carleton, Kenneth (Jean) Carleton; and her sister Mae (Thomas) Woods. She is survived by her children; William (Linda) North of Wheaton, Illinois; John (Cindy) North of Harlan; Daniel North of Harlan; David North of Harlan; Andrew (Sherri) North of Harlan; Ruth (Nathan) Klindt of Granby, Colorado; 11 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; brother, George (Sophie) Carleton, of British Columbia, Canada; other family members, and friends.

Thanks to everyone who came to grandma's funeral, or sent their support. It meant a lot to everyone, and thanks again to Jared and Sarah for the pictures. They mean so much now, and will mean so much to us all in the future.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Grandma North

Yesterday my Grandma died.

Marion North was one of the sweetest, kindest people I'll ever know. Most of my happiest childhood memories took place at grandma's house. Christmases with all our extended family, Saturday nights watching britcoms with our cousins in grandma's living room, even just getting a snack at grandma's like some sharp cheddar cheese and grape juice, or just a cup of plain ice cubes. She had the best snacks.

Grandma lived right next door, so when I was a kid, I used to love going over there to visit, for no particular reason. Usually I would just sit with her and watch Bob Ross, or Julia Child, or some other cooking show on PBS. She also used to love watching golf for some reason, which I thought was so boring, but when that's what she wanted to watch, I would sit with her anyway, and read her Reminisce and Country Magazines. I know it probably doesn't sound that exciting, but I wasn't a particularly excitable kid, and I loved just sitting quietly with grandma.

Living in Ames now, I haven't gotten to see her much lately, but every time I was home I would stop in to see her, or if she felt up to it, take her out to go get coffee. My cousins and I would try to convince her to go out at least once if we were having warm weather. These past few years Grandma hasn't really liked getting out to too many places, but she did enjoy getting coffee and a muffin at the little coffee shop in town. We hadn't done that in awhile, but those trips to the coffee shop with Grandma, Sarah, and Shaina, will be some of my favorite memories from these past few years.

The last couple of times I was home for the weekend, I made sure to go see her as I was leaving for Ames. Both times our final words to each other were exactly the same.
"I love you, Jonathan."
"I love you too, Grandma."

Goodbye, Grandma. I'm going to miss you so much. Say hi to Grandma Lillian for me. I love you.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Last Month Online (September 2018)

We'll start this month out with a video from the Gregory Brothers, remixing one of my favorite YouTube bakers, Rosanna Pansino! I lost count of how many times I listened to this. It was just so catchy. :)

And next we have a video from the Voca People! This group doesn't put out that many videos, but they will always be a favorite of mine, as they had literally one of the first viral videos I ever really became obsessed with. They aren't primarily a YouTube group, so they are usually too busy touring to make videos, but when they do I always enjoy them.

I also just realized that this makes two months in a row that I have featured an ABBA cover. No offense to Cher, I obviously loved her song too, but I think this was my favorite. I just love these weird a Capella aliens. :p

Another month, another video from Jonna Jinton. Don't worry, despite the title, nothing bad is happening to her cow. I was afraid this was going to be a horribly depressing video until I read the description. Stjärna is moving to another village for the winter, so she's telling her goodbye. :)

Side note: I love the name Stjärna. :)

I don't think I've featured Jacob Sutherland on my blog before, but he's done some great covers of songs from some of my favorite cartoons. When he put out this Adventure Time medley, I knew I had to feature it. It was so good, and I probably listened to it like ten times the first day it was up. :)

Here's a collab I never knew I needed, Walk off the Earth, and Gabriela from the Eh Bee Family! I never would have thought to put them together, but I loved the result!

And finally we have another hilarious video from Studio C! Tori is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors on this show, which will really help next year when the original cast leaves to form their own studio. (Sorry to break the news to you, if you hadn't heard) Tori's reactions and facial expressions here were some of the best I've seen, and I was dying of laughter the whole time.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

#TrueFacts (September 2018)

Did you know that bacne is cause by bacon? Bacon bacne. This knowledge disgusts everyone, and stops no one. #TrueFact

Did you know that the French army employs a squadron of battle mimes? The only problem is, they're pretty useless, unless the enemy is willing to play along with the mimed gunfire. #TrueFact

Did you know that the Incredible Hulk works part time as a model, posing for Generals Mills’ line of Green Giant vegetables? #TrueFact

Did you know that dinosaurs had stone skeletons? Since stones don’t decompose, these are the only evidence left that they actually existed. #TrueFact

Did you know that baby kangaroos were once called Jeffys? Bill Keane, creator of the beloved Family Circus character, Jeffy, sued Australia, and they were forced to change it to Joey. #TrueFact

Did you know that hair bows are just bow ties that have migrated north for the winter? #TrueFact

Did you know that hair bows are also the only way to determine the gender of both mice and ducks? #TrueFact

Did you know that before lemonade, the popular yellow drink was mustardade? This is why that period of history is known as the bad old days. #TrueFact

Did you know that babies are sticky because of the sticky fairy? So are your hands. #TrueFact

Did you know that potholes are caused by a giant hippopotamus jumping on the road? It’s known as hippo-pothole-mus. #TrueFact
I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I will leave now.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Last Month Online (August 2018)

We've got a great variety of videos this month!

Let's start this off with a collab I never knew I needed, Pomplamoose and Tessa Violet!

And speaking of Tessa, this dance video for Crush was amazing! I subscribed to this guy's channel immediately on principle alone. I hope he does more. 🙂

Next we got another Lucas the Spider video, and I loved it so much! I hope he does more music like this, maybe even full-length songs? 😊

I've always heard of Cher, but I've never really actually listened to her. However, this song she just put out for her upcoming ABBA cover album came across my radar and I LOVED it! It helps that I already love ABBA, but this was such a great cover. I may have to look into getting her album...

Next we have a great video from Peter Hollens, again, still haven't seen this movie, but I loved this ridiculous video. 😆

Next we have another amazing Steven Universe remix from VGR, with their cover of Ruby Rider!

Studio C has been putting out a bunch of great stuff as always, but I about died over this one, and I had to share it. 😆

And finally, I am absolutely in love with this new song from Sia! Or rather, from LSD, the collaboration project between the three artists Labrinth, Sia, and Diplo. It is so gorgeously weird and creative!!!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Out of Context 4!

Obligatory disclaimer, none of this is supposed to make sense. These are all real quotes that were used in conversations, or that I overheard out in public, that just struck me as funny. They all made sense within the context of the conversation, but I thought they were funnier without.

“I have two jars of hands.” 
“Do you want to watch Icelandic children color posters?” 
“I'm a Man Flower!” 
“It's gonna kick you with its li'l demon leg.” 
“Look at that chubby girl hand, man!” 
“A cricket burped! Noooooooo!!!"
“A toad’s gotta do what a toad’s gotta do.” 
“It would be hilarious if grandma started obeying the napkins.” 
“There’s a ghost washing its hands.” 
“I was just noticing your little pancake butt.” 
“They’re kind of like drinkable Sundaes with bizarre ingredients.” 
“I just let out a little cloud.” 
“Unfortunately our outhouse burned down.” 
“I had to make a high pitched noise of disturbance.” 
“My fingers still smell like your deodorant.” 
“Hello, my little kneecap.” 
“Am I tickling your little pants?” 
“Are we to have roast preacher for dinner?" 
“I'm excited for my dribble.” 
“I can hear the potatoes singing.”

Friday, August 17, 2018

#TrueFacts (August 2018)

Did you know that Suabelline Beard Moistener is actually the number one recommended facial cosmetic for the athletes competing in the 2019 Beardalympics? Which is weird, because I could have sworn it was a trendy new hydration beverage... #TrueFacts

Did you know that the sponge is one of the few remaining varieties of ocean cheese? The rest have gone extinct due to over-harvesting by mer-farmers. #TrueFact

Did you know that in 1893 Missouri wanted to rename America, Missourica? They were getting pretty big for their britches back then. #TrueFact

Did you know that deaf people wear sunglasses? You thought it was blind people, but nope! #TrueFact

Did you know that chapstick is invisible lipstick? The invisible man always keeps a stick on hand in case of fashion emergencies. #TrueFact

Did you know that mustard is racist ketchup? #TrueFact
What? That makes no sense? Well, duh... Were you expecting that lipstick fact to make sense too?

Did you know that dinosaurs went extinct due to poaching? You haven’t lived until you’ve had poached T-Rex on toast with Brachio-bacon. #TrueFact

Did you know that charcoal briquettes are phoenix eggs? Majestic phoenix mothers lay their eggs inside backyard grills all around the world, so that their babies can be born safely in the flames of your summer weekend cookouts. So basically all your dads are Firebird Doulas. #TrueFact

Did you know that in boxing, there are teams of two on two? It only looks like one on one because one guy's a ghost. You can tell because sometimes it looks like they’re punching the air. #TrueFact

Did you know that if you eat too many carrots you will turn orange? Likewise, you’ll turn green from eating too much pistachio pudding. T'was the Wicked With of the West's only vice. Well, that, and the terrorization of the Munchkins. And the subjugation of the Winkies. And enslavement of the Flying Monkeys. And the multiple attempted murders... Okay, I guess that her penchant for pistachio pudding was the least of her personal problems. #TrueFact

Friday, August 10, 2018

Last Month Online (July 2018)

Not as many videos this month, but what we've got is great. :)

I will never tire of Jonna Jinton's voice. She sounds like a remnant of a time long ago. And the cinematography in her videos just adds to the overall ethereal-ness of everything.

Before this one, I will issue a mild broken glass/blood warning, however, this was too funny for me not to include. I about die laughing every time I watch it so, I'll put up with it. :p

This was just too cute, and I loved the song. :)

Mild language warning here, but this one was just too real. In a completely ridiculous way. Lilly Singh perfectly captures how I feel when I see habitual misspelling, but she also nails the reasons why I don't say anything about it. I definitely don't want to be her. :p

Mike Tompkins just keeps coming up with new ways to impress me.

This last video is me. TheOdd1sOut is my purposeful optimism and Boyinaband is the ever intrusive pessimism that (occasionally) tries to get out. Also I love animation, (semi)dark humor, and electronic music, so this video was right up my alley. :p

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

#TrueFacts (July 2018)

Did you know that coleslaw is actually lettuce confetti? #TrueFact

Did you know that sauerkraut is actually soggy lettuce confetti pickles? #TrueFact

Did you know that Kimchi is actually festering fermented soggy lettuce confetti pickles? #TrueFact

Did you know that during the Yugoslavian Reunification Celebration, the national anthems are played on a fleet of nose bugles? #TrueFact

Did you know everyone spells 3rd wrong? It’s therd, not third! The reason someone replacd the E with an I iz a misteree lost too tiim. #TroofAct

Did you know that milk is collected from the milkberry bush? The milkberry fruits are small spheres similar in size and texture to popping boba. If you let the milkberries sit long enough on the plant, they become cheeseberries. #TrueFact

Did you know that Napoleon Bonaparte’s grandmother had a llama named Tina? Napoleon threw ham at Tina. He was a bit strange, that Napoleon. #TrueFact

Did you know that the pope’s hat used to be a propellor beanie? The propellor fell off about 600 years ago, he never bothered to fix it. #TrueFact

Did you know that sponges and kiwi birds are related? No one knows how, but they keep showing up to the same family reunions. #TrueFact

Did you know that clouds are giant sheep ghosts that are stuck in the atmosphere? #TrueFact

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Last Month Online (June 2018)

Lots of music this month. I suppose to make up for the abundance of comedy last month. :)

We'll open and close this post with Lindsey Stirling, who made two amazing videos this month!

Lindsey wasn't the only busy one this month, Peter Hollens put out three amazing songs as well! I'll spread these out as well. Each one was with a different guest artist, including The Hound + The Fox, who put out a separate song of their own, which I will include later on as well. :)

Devin Graham has done a video like this next one before, and it was just hilarious. But apparently I never featured it on my blog! So if you'd like to see the original before you watch this one, you can click here. However, of the two, this one is my favorite, partially because of the hilarious, epic waterfall dive, but kind of mostly because of the HILARIOUS cameo/twist ending reveal.

Jonna Jinton is back with another haunting song. I love her voice so much!

I don't think I've ever featured Ryan Higa on my blog before, he usually does comedy skits, but this video was so creative, I just had to share. I love dancing, I love stop-motion animation, and this was like the perfect creative fusion of the two.

One of the reasons Peter Hollens had so many great songs this month, is that he just released a new album, comprised entirely of folk music. One of my favorite genres is European/Celtic folk music, which is mainly what this album contains.

Tessa Violet is back! I absolutely love the aesthetic of this video, and it's nothing more than her just singing in a grocery store! I swear, she can make the most mundane things just seem brilliantly creative!

Every time I watch this video I wonder about the logistics of the shoot. Did she rent out a whole store to shoot in, or did she just film in a store while it was open? Are the random shoppers all paid extras, or are they all just random shoppers? How did she get up on the freezers? I feel like the staff has to either be part of the shoot or were prepped in advance, because I can't see any normal grocery manager being okay with any of this. :p Anyway, sometimes I dissect these videos too much. :p

I've never been a very big country musc fan, but somehow, when it's done a capella, it's just elevated to something so much better than just 'country music.' And VoicePlay are just excellent at what they do.

Scarborough Fair is such an iconic folk song, it's hard to improve on some versions I've heard, particularly Celtic Woman comes to mind, but Somehow The Hound + The Fox manages to put their own, amazing spin on it. And the music isn't the only amazing thing about this video, just look at their locations! The lavender fields and the ancient forest are just gorgeous!

One last Peter Hollens before we close. I actually bought his new album twice, once digitally for myself, and once for my parents' anniversary gift, because they love folk music too. This music is so good!

And finally, the Lindsey Stirling video I promised at the beginning. I love this one so much! I also love that she was dancing without her violin in a lot of it! I know she learned a lot more about dance when she competed on Dancing With the Stars, so I'm glad to see her getting to use her new skills.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My First Night at the Hotel

As I mentioned in my previous work update post, I had something very weird happen on the very first night of work at my new job at the hotel. It was weird enough that I had to write about it, but I thought it was long enough that it deserved it's own separate post.

During the first two weeks I was working at the hotel, I and another guy were being trained by an older lady who had been there for years. She was moving out of state, and her leaving was the reason I was hired. The other guy had been working at the hotel for awhile, but he had just moved into the night auditor position the week before, so he was also pretty new to everything we had to do as well.

At around 3:30 in the morning an elderly woman clutching a baby doll slowly rounded the corner into the lobby. We have a front door across from the desk in the lobby that we can see, and a back door that enters into the hotel, directly behind the offices, far enough back in the building that we can't even hear it from the front desk.

So this elderly woman comes into the lobby, and all she can do is whisper, "hi. hi. hi. hi. hi. hi. hi." She's probably at least in her 80's if not 90's, and she can't even tell us her name, or where she came from. Because of the placement of the back doors, we can't tell if she's come in from outside, or if maybe she wandered out of a hotel room.

The woman training us went out to try to help her, but without a name, or knowing where she came from, there wasn't much she could do, but she did notice that the woman felt like she was freezing cold, which meant that more than likely she had come in from outside. This was the middle of April, but we had an unusually cold spring, and that particular week we'd had a cold snap. I was coming to work in my winter coat every night, and one morning I left work and there was a thick layer of ice I had to scrape off my car. So yeah, it was cold. Not knowing what else to do, the woman training us had the other guy go get her a blanket, which she wrapped around her, and then got her to sit down in the lobby, and sat with her.

I wondered if she had wandered away from a nursing home, since it was obvious that she had dementia. The fact that she could only repeat one word, as well as the fact that she was carrying a baby doll, which she was treating like a real baby, were all things I had seen a lot when we went to visit my grandpa before he died. He wasn't nearly this bad, but he lived in a dementia ward, and there were a lot of people there who would fit the same description of this woman.

The guy who was training with me decided to try to call the nearest nursing home, so I did a search on google maps. The nearest one was only 0.2 miles away, practically next door. It's so close that it had to be where she came from. It seemed obvious that she had escaped, except, having worked in a nursing home, and having spent so much time visiting my grandpa in another one, I kind of knew that there was no way that could have happened. The amount of security they have to prevent the residents from escaping, from locked doors to security alarms, means that there should be no way for someone to escape, and if they somehow managed it, someone would have been alerted before she got very far. She'd have to have been a complete genius to make it past everything, unless someone there was just completely incompetent.

So he called the nursing home, and the person who answered told him she didn't think they were missing anyone, but they'd do a head count and get back to us. And sure enough, they weren't missing anyone, all their residents were accounted for. They did send over a nurse though, to try to help communicate with the woman, but she was no more successful that we'd been. She couldn't get her to tell her anything, and she was still whispering, "hi. hi. hi. hi. hi. hi." over a half an hour later. The nurse asked if she could check her pockets, but she had no form of identification, she had no life alert or other medical emergency tags or jewelry, and her name was not written in any of her clothes like it would have been had she been in a nursing home or dementia ward.

Finally it's nearing 4:30, an hour later, and I suggested calling the police. I didn't know the number, or how to use our phone system yet, so the nurse gave me her cell phone, where she already has the non-emergency police number ready. So I called the police, but when they showed up, they're no more successful that any of us. The nurse finally did get her to answer yes or no questions by shaking or nodding her head, but even that didn't really help, because she did indicate that she had a husband, but in her condition, you never know if that's currently true, or if she's remembering something from a time long ago.

Finally around five or so, the nurse convinced the woman to get up and come with her, back to the nursing home. She said she'd find a room for her and try to get her warmed up, because it's at least an hour and a half later and she's still cold. The police helped get her out to the nurse's car, and I figured that would be the last we heard about her. We all got back to work to try and catch up on everything we hadn't been doing for the last hour and a half.

Another hour and a half go by, we've sort of caught up, not quite, but we made pretty good progress considering that two of us didn't really know what we were doing yet. About a half an hour before we left, around 6:30, someone, I'm assuming the nurse who came to the hotel, called us to let us know that they found out where the woman had came from.

The area surrounding the hotel and nursing home is full of apartments and townhouses where elderly people can live, without actually having to physically move into the nursing home. I'm assuming sort of like the independent living apartments at the nursing home I used to work in, except a lot more spread out, like a small neighborhood. This woman had been living with her husband, who does not have dementia, and he had basically been her caretaker. I don't know this, but I am going to assume he was around the same age. Evidently he'd left the door unlocked, or she knew how to unlock it, and she just got up and left in the middle of the night.

The people at the nursing home said they were going to try to convince the husband to let them take her, because it was pretty obvious that he can't care for her on his own. It was very cold that night, like, maybe 30 at the highest, definitely below freezing. It was a good thing that she just happened to wander into the hotel, or she could have frozen to death! Obviously I can't really go and find out, but I hope her husband did agree to let the nursing home take care of her, because she really needs to be somewhere where she can be supervised.

So anyway, that was my very first night at the hotel. The woman training us told us after everyone had left, "It's not always like this, I swear!" And so far it hasn't been. I've been here almost three months now, and so far that was by far the strangest thing that has happened. Nothing else really even comes close. However, if anything else weird does happen, you can be sure that I'll let you know about it. :p

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Rotoscopers Roundup 7

It's time for another Rotoscoper's Roundup! As I said in my last one of these, I was going to start putting these out every six months. So here is everything I did between January and June of 2018!

World of Tomorrow Episode Two: The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts: Short Film Review

The BFG: Blu-ray Review

Star Wars Rebels: Trailer & Return Date Announcement

Steven Universe: Season One: DVD Review

Rugrats: Seasons 3 & 4: DVD Review

Star Wars Rebels: Roundtable Review: Jedi Night & DUME

The Little Prince: Indie-Mation Club: Intro & Review

Star Wars Rebels: Roundtable Review: Wolves and a Door & A World Between Worlds

Infinity Train: Series Pickup Announcement

Star Wars Rebels: Roundtable Review: Series Finale

Marvel Cinematic Universe Countdown: Guardians of the Galaxy

Black Panther: Blu-ray Review

B.C. - Back to Civilization: Production Announcement

Early Man: Blu-ray Review

Marvel Cinematic Universe Countdown: Ant-Man

Alice (Neco z Alenky): Indie-Mation Club: Intro & Review

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Blu-ray Review

Looney Tunes Cartoons: New Series Announcement

Friday, June 22, 2018

Twist Ending 13

New Logo! Also, since it's been so long, if you're interested in the previous installments of this series, you can follow this link.

This post is way different than any of my other Twist Ending stories. Usually I have the first half be true, while the second half is fiction. This time, this story actually contains multiple real-life incidents that actually happened to me while at work, but they are all told within a completely fictional framework. These incidents are all very similar, so I decided I'd combine them into one long story.

The grocery store where I work occasionally holds fund-raising drives for various causes. Childhood illnesses, military veterans, disaster victims, etc. Every time we do these, the vast majority of people do not donate. And I am perfectly fine with that. I actually don't really even like asking people to donate to things, it's just kind of awkward all around.

However, awkwardness is no excuse for rudeness. To me, the most appropriate response to being asked to donate to something for which you might not feel you have the money, or whatever reason, is to just say, "No thank you," politely, and move on with the transaction.

That is not what (far too) many people do, and those people are why this post came to be.


"Hear ye, hear ye! Court is now in session!" A towering, angelic-looking man with four arms, wearing flowing white robes, stepped up to the bench and addressed the sea of people before him. He was at least 6 feet taller than anyone in attendance, and seemed even taller from his place behind the bench.

"For those of you afraid that this is the afterlife, and that this is your final judgement day, don't worry! This is nothing like that! Well, mostly nothing like that! This court is closer in relation to the human concept of karma, than of actual judgement. I am a judge here, but the cases I see are all strictly petty in nature, and none of them deal with anything even close to the kinds of cases my colleagues over in Finals see in their courts."

The judge sat down, but still towered over the people in front of him. "All right! All of you here today were pulled from your current time and place, moments after your transgressions took place. You are here to bear witness to your 'crimes,' and to hear your judgement in person, but you will not be permitted to defend yourself, as we have complete omniscience in all matters pertaining to your case. We know your every motivation and action, from the moment your offence took place, to now. We know what you would say to defend yourself, and we have already rejected it."

The judge began rifling through some papers on his desk, using all four arms, and pulled out a large file, opening it with his lower set of arms, while gesturing with his upper set. "When your case has been heard, and your judgement delivered, you will be put back exactly where you were when you were taken, and you will have no memory of these events. However, when you experience your judgement, or 'karma' as it were, you will experience something like a memory, and you will know exactly why your fate, whatever it is, has befallen you."

The judge started pulling papers out of the file with his upper arms, and examined them, making a stack on his desk. The number of papers in the stack was quickly surpassing the number of papers that the file seemed to hold, but he still had more. "I see that I have a surprisingly large number of cases that are the same, and this first bunch are all quite mild. It looks like the defendants in these cases will all be let off with more or less a warning. If I call your name, please approach the bench."

The judge, apparently calling a great many of their their names at once, said something that no one could understand, except, it seemed, for the people he was addressing. Dozens of people stood up at once, and they all stepped forward. "Okay, I think we can get all these over with at once. Every case here is relatively the same, let's review the evidence."

Behind the bench, a massive screen appeared, and dozens of videos, all showing the accused, began playing simultaneously. However, on every screen, the exact same scenario played out, and the exact same dialogue was spoken. The defendants were all customers at the same store. Their purchases had been rung up, and the cashier was asking them all almost the same question.

"Would you like to donate to, (and here the audio was overlapped as several different charities were named) today?"

"No," the customers replied, "I'm good." And here the videos ended.

"No, I'm good," the judge repeated, staring at the dozens of people before him. "No, I'm good. Do any of you hear the irony in that statement? Had you simply stopped at no, and preferably a no thank you, you wouldn't be here today. However, adding, "I'm good" to a refusal, polite or otherwise, to give to a child with cancer, or a hungry family, or victims of a storm, shows a complete lack of self awareness on your parts, bordering on a lack of empathy. You may be good, but those for whom the charity is collecting, definitely are not."

The judge picked up his stack of papers with his upper right hand, and began looking through them before continuing. "I know that most of you probably didn't think anything of that statement when you made, it, you just wanted to get your transaction over with and move on with your day. But those statements do not go unnoticed, and I really just want to make you aware of how you sound when you use them."

Using his lower arms, the judge began typing at a computer that had suddenly appeared before him, while while flipping through his papers with his upper arms. "In a minute I will be sending you all back to the moments you were pulled from. You won't remember your time here, but you will be acutely aware of your words, any time you use that particular phrase."

The judge finished typing and looked out at the people before him. "None of you will be able to say 'I'm good' anymore without cringing a little inside, even in benign situations. Eventually you will not be able to say it at all." He set down the papers, which immediately vanished. "Thank you," he said, gesturing with his upper right arm, "You're all dismissed." And with that, the crowd vanished.

Once again the judge began removing a massive stack of papers from his file. Holding the stack in his lower arms, he flipped through it with his upper arms, removing papers as he went. "Okay, looks like we're going to do another batch judgment. However, these ones won't be getting off as lightly as the last one." He repeated his call from earlier, and again, dozens, if not hundreds of people all stood up at once. In fact, most of the courtroom stood up at once, leaving just a few individuals still seated.

The crowd of people all approached the bench together, and as before, the same screen appeared and began playing in unison. This scenario was almost exactly the same as before, up until the customers' reply. All of them were variations on the same thought. "No thanks, I've already donated." "No, I donated yesterday." "Oh, I donated the last time you guys asked."

The screen vanished and the judge turned around and stared at the defendants. "Really? You expect us to believe that? You already donated? Not even the cashiers believed that." Across the crowd of people, several faces began turning red with embarrassment.

The judge continued. "Half of you said you donated 'last week,' or 'yesterday,' when the charity drive hadn't even started yet. If you're going to lie, at least make it believable." Using his lower arms, he began typing at the computer again, as he looked through the stack of papers in his upper hands.

"All of you committed variations of the same act of dishonesty, so all of you will be receiving variation on the same judgement," he said, still typing, and looking through the files. "All of you will be the victims of some very minor instances of dishonesty. Some of you will get tiny door dings on your cars from people who will not leave notes. Some of you will drop money, just something small, like a five or ten, and someone will see it happen and just keep it."

The judge finished typing and set down his papers, which once again vanished as they left his hand. "None of your karmic sentences will be earth shattering, just minor inconveniences. And from now on, you will feel more than a little guilt should you lie to a charity in the future, and eventually you will be unable to lie, and your default reaction will be to just donate immediately. Thank you, you're all dismissed." And the crowd was gone.

"Okay, that brings us to the individual cases," the judge said. It looks like we just have three today. I'd say that's good, but really, that's three too many. Justin Patterson! Approach the bench!" A young man slowly approached the bench, as the screen behind the judge began to play.

In this video, the cashier finished the man's transaction and began to ask that old familiar question, "Would you like to donate-“
“NO!” the young man snapped angrily, interrupting the cashier who looked stunned.

The screen vanished and the judge just stared at the man. "Really?" That's how you respond to someone who was asking you to donate to a children's' hospital? There are children literally dying in your own state, in your own town, and you angrily refuse to help them, while at the same time berating someone who was just doing their job? Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame on you. Your punishment will be far more psychological than the others'.

He began typing again, but he stared at the man the entire time, not even looking at the paper in his hand. "From now on, every time you see a sick child, whether on TV or in real life, the scene we saw today will play back in your mind. The only way to relieve yourself of the guilt will be to donate to another charity. You will lie awake at night, unable to sleep until your guilt has been assuaged. And that won't happen before you donate far more than you were being asked at the grocery store." He finished typing, still looking directly at the man, and he set down the paper which vanished.. "Dismissed." he said pointedly, and the man was gone.

"Hiram Daniels!" the judge called, pulling out another file. "Approach the bench!" Once again the screen appeared and a new scene began to play. The elderly man approaching the bench was in a grocery store with a younger woman, his daughter.

"Look dad," the woman said pointing out a sign by the checkout. "They are collecting donations for victims of that hurricane in Texas. Do you want to donate $5?"
"No! I'm not doing that!" the man abruptly replied.
"Dad!" his daughter was taken aback. "You've got a daughter down there!"
"So?" the man snapped back. "She's not getting flooded!"
"What!? Nobody gave me money when my house got flooded! Why should I?"

"Why should I?" The judge turned around as the screen vanished behind him. "Why should you help total strangers in need? Because it's the right thing to do! It doesn't matter if no one helped you. If someone refused to help you, they will have their own day in court. You are responsible for yourself, and yourself alone."

The room began to slowly get darker. "Your judgement will be of your own doing. Your selfishness will be your downfall." In the distance, thunder faintly rumbled and the judge continued, slowly rising out of his chair. "Slowly but surely the people around you will realize how terrible your behavior is, and slowly but surely they will distance themselves from you."

The judge seemed to have gained several feet as he now towered over the old man in the quickly darkening room. "Finally, when you are all alone, you will die, lonely and friendless, with no one there to mourn your loss." Thunder crashed around them and the room was almost pitch black, save for the judge, who seemed to be eerily lit from below.

The old man stared at the judge in horror.

"Was that too much? That was probably too much," the judge said as the lights flicked back on and the thunder abruptly ceased. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do." He sat down and began typing as before. "No, you won't die alone, but you will push people away. Once you start losing people, you will vaguely remember the circumstances in my original judgement, and out of fear that something similar will happen, you will be forced to come to terms with the kind of person you have become. You will seek out those you have wronged to make amends, and you will be forced to humble yourself and ask for their forgiveness."

He finished typing and set down the man's paper which vanished. "In addition, whenever you see a donation drive for hurricane victims, no matter where in the world it's happening,  you will guiltily remember the scene we just watched, and you will donate twice the maximum of what the charity is requesting. Dismissed!" And the man was gone.

"Okay, on to the last case!" the judge said, holding up the final sheet. "Janice McMurphy! Approach the bench!"

A middle aged woman slowly approached the bench as the screen appeared once more, showing one last scene at the grocery store.

“Would you like to donate milk to the local food bank?” the cashier asked the woman, as they finished her transaction.
“Sure, I guess," she replied. "How much is it?”
"It depends on how much you want to donate," the cashier explained. “We have options for $2 for a half gallon, or $4 for one gallon.”
“What?" the woman exclaimed incredulously. "Forget it!" she glared at the cashier. "That’s ridiculous! You can buy a gallon of skim milk for $1.69!”
“Well, they don’t actually send specific kinds of milk to the food banks," the cashier replied, taken aback by the woman's sudden attitude. "They send out vouchers to the food banks to give to families who need them.”
“I don’t care," the woman snapped. "That’s insane. $4.00 for milk? I’m not wasting my money on that when they could get skim for $1.69. No. Forget it. What’s my total?”

The screen vanished and the judge glared at the woman who turned red, and then paled. "I have seen a lot in my 4000 years on this bench, but somehow, some people still manage to surprise me. Not only were you downright rude to your checker, but you tried to dictate how a charity uses the funds that they collect. Or worse, what kind of products those in need are allowed to have. What happens if someone has a dairy allergy? What if they have a malnourished child who needs the whole milk? Why should they be forced to drink skim milk simply because you didn't want to donate a higher amount? The selfishness of some people still manages surprise me in the absolutely bizarre ways that it can manifest itself in them."

The judge turned to his computer once again and began to type. "For your punishment, I feel like I need to get creative. For starters, you're going to develop a dairy allergy. You're either going to have to start buying the most expensive, lactose-free milk, or some other expensive and/or disgusting milk substitute. Either that or your going to have to buy a lot of probiotics, and those things are not cheap. Next, you are going to start meeting people exactly like you at your own job. A lot of them. They will be rude, dismissive, and just plain angry. It will happen every day, and will continue until you realize that these people are behaving exactly like you. You will be forced to come to terms with your own terrible behavior, and as you change yourself, those around you will change as well. Lastly, you will no longer be able to resist any charity. Every time you see a food drive, or donation box, you will remember the terrible interaction we just witnessed, and your shame will compel your generosity. Soon that new generous attitude will spread to other areas, and you will be donating to homeless shelters and clothing drives, and volunteering at food banks and hospitals. Eventually you will become a completely new person, and the person you once were, will only exist as a dark flicker in the back of your memory. Sometimes you will think of her, wince in quiet shame, and move on with your life, vowing to never go back to being that wretched person again. Dismissed."

The woman vanished and the judge was left alone in his courtroom. He set down her paper, which rose upward, as the previous papers reappeared beneath it. The judge gathered up the papers and returned them to his file. He typed some notes into his computer and checked his calendar. "Oh great," he muttered to himself. "I've got the nursing home cases tomorrow." He rolled his eyes. "Those are always a treat." And with that, he was gone.